Poker Terminology

A client is the poker software you are using to allow you to play in the respective poker room

This is when you have players cheating, they do this by sharing information about their hands to each other. All online poker rooms have anti collusion procedures in place and take cheating very seriously

Community Cards
The two poker games that always have community cards are Texas Hold’em and Omaha and these are the cards that are dealt in the center of the table and are shared by all players.

Dead Blind
This is when you have missed your blinds but you still wish to enter the game before it is your turn to place the big blind, you are obliged to pay both big and small blinds it does not however count towards calling a bet.

Dead Hand
This is a discarded hand that is not be played in the current game

Down Cards
These are more often called the hole cards and are simply the cards that are dealt ( face down ) to each player

Drawing Dead
This occurs when you have a hand that can be beaten by another player irrespective of whatever card you are dealt

This is also the same as folding, you simply return your cards as you no longer wish to play on with it.

Face Down
As the name of this terms suggests it is when cards are face down ie not visible to anyone else.

Face Up
This is the opposite of face down and these cards are visible to everyone else Dealt cards that are visible to all players.

This is when during a game of Texas Hold’em the first three community cards have just been dealt and are visible to all players in the center of the table

This is when you have five cards that are all of the same suit

To Fold or Drop is when you no longer wish to play on with your hand and withdraw from that game.

Forced Bet
This is when you are required to place a bet as you have sat in that game.

Four of a Kind
This is when you have four matching cards all the same ie 4 x threes or 4 x Aces

This is when a poker room offers a tournament that is free to join, most of our top ten poker rooms offer free rolls to players

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